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    All the information and details that you encounter on Itstap are meant only for informational purposes. We always make efforts to provide updated, reliable, and authentic information; yet we recommend our readers to refer to the official website to gain complete information about any product or services that we mention about. We take no representation or warranties of any kind about the service that we mention, nor do we guarantee safety from any third-party website that you might visit while using the site. Reliance on information and details provided by us is completely based on your own personal risk. As landing on any new or unknown website is not under the control of Itstap, thus we do not exercise any control over their content and nature. 

    Copyright Policy

    All the information and content are copyright of Itstap, which has All Rights Reserved. Any redistribution, republication, or reproduction of any part of the content available on this website is prohibited. Reference or withdrawal of any information from this website must done with proper acknowledgment and referencing. Users are recommended not to distribute or exploit any information without any prior permission. 

    In case you believe or encounter an instance where you feel that your copyright has been violated or infringed, then you are free to provide us notice. You can reach out and write to us in accordance with the accurate details, of your claim over the information or content. Provide your proper details like account creation, registration or membership, and authentication of information is yours, and send it to [ email address ]. After you provide your information, and we don’t find it accurate or reliable; then we hold the right to terminate, or suspend your request.